To reclaim, energize and excite ….
A four day Ball Room Dancing workshop was conducted from 22 – 25 September, 2011. The Ball room dance hall at the Baroda Palace (Fernhill campus) was the venue for a life time experience for the Finishing school ladies.
The girls were trained in Jive, Cha Cha Cha, Salsa, Mambo and Dip and Tricks.
Jive, the lively form of swing dance, and a variation of the Jitterbug was mastered by the girls. The partner dance Salsa, where multiple couples exchange partners in a circle helped the girls to master interpersonal skills. In Mambo, swaying movements, facial expressions, arm movements and holds all added to the importance of fitness to the girls. Dip and Tricks involved quick movements.
The girls learned to reschedule themselves as the first step to reclaim their fitness. The importance of being fully present - mind, body and spirit had applications beyond the ballroom floor in helping them to communicate more effectively, create stronger connections and partner more successfully with others in their personal and professional life. It helped them to let go and follow someone else's lead and realize that this is not necessarily a second-best solution, but a strategy for winning! The girls learned to live full-out and fearlessly even when they made some missteps.